Time to protest in the streets! Out Bolsonaro / Mourão! Out Everyone!

After 4 months without major street acts, Brazil will again have protests announced across the country in the coming days. The last national demonstrations took place on March 8, on the international day of women's struggle. Soon after, around March 20, all states began to close their economies and enact rules of social isolation, and we already have around 110 quarantine days.

Uncategorized - July 10, 2020

After 4 months without major street acts, Brazil will again have protests announced across the country in the coming days. The last national demonstrations took place on March 8, on the international day of women’s struggle. Soon after, around March 20, all states began to close their economies and enact rules of social isolation, and we already have around 110 quarantine days.

In the meantime, initially the Bolsonarists groups tried to hold demonstrations against science, health and quarantine, in addition to carrying out the so-called “death cartridges”. In response to these absurd demonstrations, from some soccer fans, independent sectors and few organizations, among them the MRS, we took to the streets in counter-demonstrations to repudiate denialism and the end of the quarantine, demanding the opposite: more resources to health, to the millions of people who are without income and for Out Bolsonaro!

However, both the pro-Bolsonaro demonstrations were miniscule and have now practically disappeared; how the correct and progressive anti-Bolsonaro demonstrations (called by some “anti-fascists” or “for democracy”) also came down to vanguard sectors and few organized militants. Now it is different: street acts are being called on July 10 and 12, with the intention of marking the return of the mass movement to the streets! The axis: Out Bolsonaro and his vice, Mourão.

Workers fight through the base while leaderships only betray

These 4 months of pandemic have never stopped fighting. Workers carried out demonstrations and protests against layoffs and reduced wages in several factories, as well as bus drivers and transport workers carried out strikes and activities against the poor working conditions (road workers are among the most infected and with a large number of deaths) and at payment of wages, which have been delayed by several companies.

On the other hand, the union centrals and the vast majority of the unions have been acting cowardly and traitorous all this time. Starting with the 1st of May, agreed to be carried out in a virtual way along with the scum of the bourgeoisie, including FHC, Dória, Witzel, Rodrigo Maia and other Brazilian political gangs. In the end, PT, PCdoB and part of the PSOL really made this unit shameful, and Conlutas and Intersindical broke with a few days to go and performed their own act, after having agreed to the act with the bourgeoisie. But all of them, before May 1 and after, were together rejecting the construction of other acts and even calling for acts called by the base and the soccer fans.

The culmination of this base opposition wanting to fight and directions just thinking about betraying the working class was July 1st. On this day, the application handlers, a precarious sector, disorganized and threatened by powerful companies, decided to carry out a strike (which means automatically losing salary to those who joined it) and, even without the support of almost any entity or organization, they set an example , with a very strong adhesion to the strike and a movement that shook the country.

On the same day, SP subway workers, tendered, with a strong and organized union, with liberated leaders and many resources, also had a marked strike. And there were plenty of reasons for it: cut wages and benefits, layoffs, lack of health protections, etc. In spite of all this, on the eve of the strike, on June 30, the organization’s leadership, based on parties such as the PSTU, PSOL and PCdoB, betrayed the workers and dismantled the strike. They claimed that it was a “postponement” and that they would decide to strike at a new assembly on 7/7 to be launched from 8/7. But again, the same traitors prevented the strike, dismantling the fight for the second time in a row. If the subway workers’ strike had taken place, São Paulo would have stopped and, if it had joined the struggle of delivery men, this movement could have multiplied throughout Brazil.

It is time to go over union omission and betrayal. It is necessary to overthrow Bolsonaro and Mourão. And the base of organized and disorganized workers has to be the protagonist of this process. The acts of July 10 and 12 must have our full support because only direct action can guarantee victories for workers and prevent attacks by governments from all parties.

It’s time to take the streets! The workers in defense of their job, the soccer fans against Bolsonaro and the app deliverers showed the way! All to the acts of July 10 and 12!